Talking about SEX – Tinder war gestern, heute zettelt Mann!

Tinder ist out, zetteln ist in. Kurz vorm lieblichen Valentinstag erreicht uns dieses ehrliche und unverblümte Gesuch nach heißer Zweisamkeit. Um es kurz  zu machen: David sucht was zum wegbuttern, hat aber wenig Zeit und für eine Beziehung erst Recht nicht. „But of course you never know“. Wir wünschen bestes Gelingen und haben dieses Mal ausnahmsweise die Mailadresse nicht retuschiert. Die interessierten Damen unter euch müssen in der Kontaktaufnahme also keine Umwege über uns gehen, sondern können sich direkt an David wenden. Wir hoffen, das ist auch in seinem Sinn. Why ever not, Berlin?!

talking about sex

Entdeckt von VIV nahe Tiergarten.

CLOSE UP: Hey there I’m David, studying in Berlin and I like dancing my ass of at Sisyphos, films directed by Jim Jarmusch, books by Paul Auster and chili flavored chocolate. Sometimes when I’m coming home from work or library I’d like to enjoy some company, to chill, have a good time, watch a film and yes also to touch, smell, taste and have some fun. To sum it up: Yes I’m also talking about SEX. Currently there seems to be no room for a comitted relationship in my life (but of course you never know) but I don’t want to live without physical love just because I don’t want a relationship right now. Tinder bores me to death and when I’m out dancing I’m out dancing and not to desperately crave for some one-night stands, which aren’t my cup of tea anyway. Sex, sympathy and respect belong together but in my opinion sex doesn’t necessarily need a relationship. Maybe you’re female and agreeing with me that there can be something between a comitted relationship and plain cold pure fucking without any interest or sympathy for the other person. I don’t want commitment right now but some interest in the other person, sympathy and trust are pretty damn important to me. If you’re kind of looking for the same thing, maybe we can just crab a beer, check out our chemistry and see if there’s potential for more. And if not, we still had a beer, had a nice chat and will leave with a good feeling. Looking forward to your message. PS: Yes I carved some heart shaped potato-stamps (or at least tried to) but this of course doesn’t mean that sex with me always has to be plain vanilla.


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