Friedrichshain HOW CAN YOU CALL A BIKE “PAULINE” ?!? HOW CAN YOU CALL A BIKE „PAULINE“ ?!? Entdeckt von RAINER in der Revaler Straße. Bitte dieses Feld leer lassenNOTESLETTER Für Dich zusammengestellt: Die Crème de la Crème seriöser Hauptstadt-Notizen. E-Mailadresse * Ja, ich will dabei sein und akzeptiere die Datenschutzerklärung Fast geschafft! Prüfe deinen Posteingang oder Spam-Ordner, um dein Abonnement zu bestätigen. Das will ich kommentieren FacebookXPinterestE-MailWhatsApp
>By looking firmly in its single bright front light and announcing that its name will be «Pauline» from now on to the end of the universe (or eternity, whichever comes first). Why, how did you think to do that? Antworte
>By looking firmly in its single bright front light and announcing that its name will be «Pauline» from now on to the end of the universe (or eternity, whichever comes first).
Why, how did you think to do that?